Newcastle upon Tyne

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Still got the Blues. A Night at the Jazz Café.

Birthday time again. This time it was Nadia's, who turned 23 yesterday. We all went to the Jazz Cafe and had a nice evening. The Cafe offers seating for a limited number of people so it was very cozy. Live music was provided by an Australian Slideguitarist. "You expected Jazz?", he said. "I'm sorry, it's gonna be Blues tonight". Although he certainly wasn't in his prime anymore, he interpreted some of Robert Johnson's Blues classics on his Dobro guitar called "Danny" in a very original way. I played my air guitar. :-) When we left, we chatted a bit and he invited me to join him some day. I definitely will... Long live the Blues!
Newcastle Jazz Café


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Martin.
Nice blog its very disco like.


9:02 PM  

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